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      您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 吉林省 > 白山市 > 臨江旅游


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      Jiajia Ying Waterfall

      It is located in Jiajia Ying Village on the upper reaches of San Dao Gou River in Linjiang City, the area of 7 square km were exploited as an important tourism developmental item by Travel Bureau of Baishan City. At the tourism spot, there are many special spots, such as “Yingzui Waterfall”, “Shen Gui Stone”, “Xi Niu Wang Yue”, “Er Long Xi Zhu”, “XuanYa Pan Yan”, together with natural, taintless San Dao Gou River and Changbai Mountain virgin forest, is really a great boon to spend holiday and travel for people.
